2004-01-20 / Other Sites

t the request of our King - who was struggling to find other guild websites without help from me and Marleen - we've put in a section for other guild and magestorm site links. Its down there under the Magestorm menu heading. Let us know if you have trouble finding it Jochen ;)

2004-01-17 / Which SoLD Are You?

ake the little quiz I came up with the other day and find out. Go through the Parchments page to find it.
Apologies in advance if you turn out to be me.

2004-01-16 / Gallery Page re-sorted

ince our artwork gallery got a little crowded, we did some tidying up today. Enjoy our new tidy Gallery page - it has links to the sections 'Magestorm Mods' and 'Guild Artwork'.

2004-01-15 / Moving soon

urprise, surprise! After 3 years we finally got ourselves a domain name of our own. We will be moving with this site bit by bit and let you know the new address when the moving is completed.

2004-01-10 / Profiles Up

e've now got most of the profiles up. Only took a couple weeks to get SoLD to get filling them in, but many are there now. You might have spotted them over the last week or so anyway. See the Roster or SoLD for Life sections and click on the member names.

2004-01-05 / Help Files up

he Parchments section now also has the Magestorm Glossary and the Spell Abbreviations.
We have more articles and stories now already than I had imagined when I implemented the parchments page, so the help files are now marked with "help file" graphics, so they should be really easy to find.


2004-01-04 / Spell Planner Re-Launched

he popular JavaScript Spell Planner that Titus made for us, moved to another page. It is to be found in our Parchments section now (bottom link).

2004-01-03 / Character Overview

he roster got a little addition to it today: You're now able to view all 30 characters of SoLD on a gallery like page.

2004-01-02 / Alliance section needed an update urgently...

... o it got a major one. We updated our Alliance page and also uploaded some old stuff that we thought belong there, too. Hopefully, we will have more to add from time to time...

2004-01-01 / Parchments Section Added

new section has been added to the site today. We now have a Parchments area with stories and articles that you might find fun or interesting, courtesy of us SoLDs with nothing better to do. ;)

2003-12-29 / Wedding log and pictures

f you missed the wedding yesterday, you might want to check out the Wedding Log and pictures!


2003-11-03 / Match report update

ast turn's match reports have been uploaded, and thanks to Tel the member maps finally are up to date again.

2003-09-30 / Bloody Limeys Home

on't miss the new website of our allied guild BL: links page.

2003-01-31 / The MS Code is up

o to our alliance page to check out the MS code and the un-coder that SoLD & BL have set up.

2002-12-18 / The Battle Records

he Battle Records of Magestorm's "Battle for Folenn" have been updated: View the records.
Also, some Match summaries and one report have been put up.

2002-07-06 / Let the Battle for Folenn begin

age_Freya and Mage_Hat have finalized the rules and the guilds have been asked to choose their landfall territory. In a few days from now... the Battle is going to start :)
View all the event on the Magestorm Events web site!

2002-02-10 / Magestorm Server Information

ue to the latest DOS attacks on the Magestorm server, I added Sazzer_BL's Server Status Check to our web site.

2002-02-05 / The SoLD chronicles

he Sorcerers of Light and Darkness are still writing their Chronicles down. The first part of SoLD's history has been finished.
The Poetry page has also been updated.

2002-02-04 / The Balance Shrine

othing can compare to praying to the Gods of Balance. Now open is the Balance Shrine Room for pilgrims to leave their prayer or wish.

2001-07-15 / Getting some practise again

e won a friendly match versus the Bloody Limeys today. It was a funny game. Match reports and screenshots of our games can be found on the Friendly Matches page. We're looking forward to the MGL, week 4, when we shall meet in the Town of Sirama!

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