SoLD vs FA, 10-30 NSW, Cats. SoLD - Chaos, 7 players, 196 levels. FA - Balance, 6 players, 170 levels. Well, this was a bit of a surprise match. Apparently we had the wrong schedule - thought we had no match to play and consequently, no one showed up. SBR waited for some ten minutes which gave Andi time to call us all up so we could set up a team. Minutes later the match started. It was a short one, but the hectic start made everything very exciting... A quick summary of the match itself: we all ran out and met the SBR players somewhere in the middle of the catacombs... Half of us went more or less directly for their shrine where I spent the next couple of minutes, healing the offense fighters and shrining, of course. I don't think we had a defense team guarding our own shrine to be honest, but after a minute or so it got really busy in theirs. We got the shrine down, and it went up and down a bit, but SBR didn't manage to restore it fully and our own shrine remained untouched, and so... well. You know the ending :D ~ Marleen |